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What is Myopia?

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry. Myopia symptoms include difficulty seeing objects that are far away, eyestrain, headaches, and frequent squinting.

Left untreated, moderate to high myopia can significantly increase a person's risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases later in life. As the level of myopia increases, so does the risk of eye disease.


There are several factors that can contribute to the development of myopia. Genetics play a role, as myopia tends to run in families. Spending a lot of time reading or looking at screens and doing other forms of near work can also contribute to the development of myopia.


Myopia Treatment in San Francisco

At Dr. Lively Eye Care, we offer myopia management (also called myopia control) treatments to slow the rate of myopia progression or even halt its progression altogether.

The goal of myopia management is to slow down its progression because myopia increases the risk of eventually developing eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, and macular degeneration. The higher the progression of myopia, the greater the risk. The earlier your child begins myopia management, even for mild myopia, the greater the benefits.

If you're concerned that your child's vision is deteriorating rapidly, or even if your child has mild myopia, contact Dr. Lively Eye Care today. The earlier a child starts myopia management treatments, the better the results.

We can help preserve your child's long-term healthy vision and reduce their risk of future eye disease. Call Dr. Lively Eye Care to schedule your child's myopia consultation!

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